What Is Property?

The definition of property is pivotal in any valuation. The valuation is essentially an economic quantification of the bundle of rights that are either held or transferred in connection with the valuation project. [Read more…]

Where Is the Excess Earnings Method Most Relevant?

The excess earnings method of valuation is the result of Appeals Revenue Memorandum 34, issued by the Internal Revenue Service. Its intended result was to separate the value of the tangible assets from the value of the intangible assets. [Read more…]

Baby Boomer Business Owners Need Valuation Help, Now More than Ever!

The baby boomer age bracket was a generation of entrepreneurs. More businesses were founded and grown by this group born from 1946-1964 than ever before. It has been estimated that between now and 2025 almost $10-trillion dollars will change hands as baby boomers pass their businesses on to the next generation. [Read more…]

What Are the Key Elements to an M&A Due Diligence?

Due diligence is an important part of any acquisition or transaction. It is typically carried out by both legal counsel, and financial counsel. It will provide an understanding of the business as well as the risks including: [Read more…]

Can Anyone Do Valuations?

Certainly anyone has the capability to prepare a valuation. The bigger question is “Are they qualified to prepare the valuation?” It is important that you or your clients evaluate the potential expert in light of their education, experience, background, and credentials in the valuation arena. [Read more…]

What Are the Key Issues of Family Limited Partnerships?

When utilized correctly, Family Limited Partnerships can be very powerful estate planning and
asset protection planning tools. However there are a number of defects that can occur. The
following is a list of common defects in FLP structures, not in any particular order and certainly
not exhaustive: [Read more…]

How Are Valuations Used in Asset Impairment Studies?

The Financial Accounting Standards Board approved the issuance of Statement of Financial Accounting Standards No. 144, Accounting for the Impairment or Disposal of Long-Lived Assets. FAS 144 applies to recognized long-lived assets to be held and used or to be disposed of. [Read more…]

Should Certified Valuation Analysts Be Engaged Only for Valuations?

Certified Valuation Analysts (CVAs) are Certified Public Accountants who have obtained special training in financial analysis as well as business valuation theory, practice and reporting. [Read more…]

What Is EBITDA and Why Is It Important in Financial Analysis?

EBITDA stands for Earnings before Interest, Taxes, Depreciation and Amortization. EBITDA earnings are used by many valuators and financial analysts as a method to compare the cash earnings of a subject company with cash earnings of comparable companies. [Read more…]

Are Business Valuations Needed for Gift and Estate Tax Purposes?

Yes! Business valuations are a must for estate and gift tax purposes. Estate valuation principles relating to business interests are in Regs. 20-2031-2 (f) and 20-2031-3. Gift tax valuation principles relating to gifts [Read more…]