Hiring a Forensic Accountant During Your Divorce

The dreadful “D Word.”

Divorce is never easy, but in today’s world, it is all too common, becoming an industry within itself. While the pain and heartache that attach themselves to a separation can be difficult to navigate through, complicated finances usually comprise a large bulk of the dispute.

Hiring a forensic accountant can bring enormous help to those figuring out the financial aspects of a divorce in Middle Tennessee. Because of its complex nature, it is critical to hire an expert who can assess the situation and provide valuable advice regarding the legal and financial status of your business.

Regardless of whether one or both spouses own a family-run business, the question of distributing equity arises during a divorce. To evaluate the situation, the following questions must be answered:

  • Did the business begin before or during the marriage?
  • Did the non-owner spouse contribute to the business in a way that promoted its growth and profits?
  • Are you planning to sell the business, or is your spouse planning on buying it out?
  • Who is responsible for the liabilities associated with the business?

At Janicek Valuation and Forensic Services in Hendersonville, Tennessee, our forensic accountants sort through a series of complicated legal and financial documents in order to assess a particular business situation. We assess a string of variables that affect a family law dispute, including:

  • When money is coming into the family
  • Where assets are stored
  • How assets are being distributed

An untrained eye is at a great disadvantage to catching the many different aspects of financial evaluation. By enlisting the help of an expert, you put yourself in a much better position to manage the financial issues that arise during a divorce.

Should you help you with all the complex aspects of a divorce or have questions, please call one of our credentialed professionals at (615) 822-8342 or contact us via email.