What Is a Certified Valuation Analyst?

A Certified Valuation Analyst (CVA) is a Certified Public Accountant (CPA) who has completed specialized advanced training in business valuations, and who has also completed
a comprehensive examination, case study, and submitted a complete written valuation report to examiners. CVAs are CPAs who usually have significant experience with business valuations before becoming a CVA.

CVAs are members of the National Association of Certified Valuators and Analysts. CVAs receive continuing education in valuations each year, observe the ethics, reporting standards, and practice standards of NACVA and AICPA. A CVA is more than just another CPA. Certified Valuation Analysts are true valuationprofessionals.

Should you need business valuation assistance or have questions, please call one of our credentialed professionals at (615) 822-8342 or contact us via email.