Common Reasons Business Owners Fail to Exit Plan

Many business owners fail to exit plan as they are so busy working in their business they forget to work on their business. Some of the common reasons for failure to plan for a successful exit are as
follows: [Read more…]

Baby Boomer Business Owners Need Valuation Help, Now More than Ever!

The baby boomer age bracket was a generation of entrepreneurs. More businesses were founded and grown by this group born from 1946-1964 than ever before. It has been estimated that between now and 2025 almost $10-trillion dollars will change hands as baby boomers pass their businesses on to the next generation. [Read more…]

Importance of Business Exit Planning

A large number of business owners in the Boomer generation (born 1946-1964) are planning to transition out of their business in the next 10 years (University of Connecticut and Price Waterhouse surveys). However, it is estimated that less than fifty percent of business owners haveĀ  been proactive in planning for the orderly exit from their business. [Read more…]