Okay, you’ve seen the professional designations such as CPA, CVA, AVA, ABV, ASA, CBA, CFFA and so on. But WHAT ARE ALL OF THESE DESIGNATIONS? Isn’t just a regular CPA all one needs in a matter of valuation or forensic accounting? [Read more…]
Should Certified Valuation Analysts Be Engaged Only for Valuations?
Certified Valuation Analysts (CVAs) are Certified Public Accountants who have obtained special training in financial analysis as well as business valuation theory, practice and reporting. [Read more…]
What Is EBITDA and Why Is It Important in Financial Analysis?
EBITDA stands for Earnings before Interest, Taxes, Depreciation and Amortization. EBITDA earnings are used by many valuators and financial analysts as a method to compare the cash earnings of a subject company with cash earnings of comparable companies. [Read more…]
How and Why to Get a Regular Business Valuation
Making it a point to get a regular, objective, and comprehensive valuation for your business is one of the most overlooked tasks of owning a business. Many business owners assume that they only need a valuation if they are planning on selling or retiring in the near future. But the reality is that the time for a business valuation is long before you actually need it, and knowing exactly what your business and assets are worth on a regular basis is one of the most helpful and important things you can do for your financial future. [Read more…]
What Is Valuation Enhancement And Why Do My Clients Need It?
The stock market bubble burst sent many retirees to work at places such as Wal-Mart and Sam’s Club. Their investments all relied upon investments that were controlled by others. But think about this: Your business clients have an opportunity to have control of their own financial futures-if they know what to do and how to do it. [Read more…]
Where Can an Attorney Get Relevant Industry Articles and Research?
Suppose you are handling a case involving a funeral home. You don’t know much about the funeral home industry, except that you want to avoid first-hand experience for as long as possible. Did you ever think about calling a Certified or Accredited Valuation Analyst to obtain the information? [Read more…]
Bringing Loyal Employees into Your Business Ownership
Do you have busy clients who are the sole shareholders of their businesses? Sometimes business owners limit their organization’s growth by limiting the size of the “talent pool.” Shareholders who begin to realize this might need to look [Read more…]
What Are Seller’s Discretionary Earnings?
Accountants and lawyers often think of earnings in terms of “net profit” or “net after-tax income.” But, for closely held businesses, do those measurements tell the whole story? [Read more…]
Where Can You Find Comparable Sales Transactions for Valuing a Business?
There are different sources of transactional data available for valuation purposes. Shannon Pratt’s Done Deals, IBA’s Database of Sales Transactions, BIZCOMPS and Mid-Market Sales Transaction Reports are examples of information that is available. [Read more…]