5 most scandalous fraud cases of 2024

This year’s most scandalous frauds incurred billions in losses and deeply impacted many lives. They also focus our attention on what goes wrong when organizations eschew vital anti-fraud fundamentals. Whether it’s defrauding government regulators or failing to employ proper cybersecurity protocols, many of the cases on this year’s list spotlight the severe consequences of acting unethically or lacking solid anti-fraud controls.

Fraudsters work year-round to perpetrate their schemes; we work year-round tracking and compiling those fraud cases as they’re reported in the news. We tap the expertise of our Advisory Council — a dedicated group of ACFE members who advise us on numerous anti-fraud matters — to vote on the most scandalous cases. Here are the most scandalous fraud cases of 2024.

Click here to continue reading: https://www.fraud-magazine.com/article.aspx?id=4295024320
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Why Accounting Internal Controls Are Important

In the same way that preventive maintenance is essential for keeping a car running smoothly, accounting internal controls are crucial for ensuring a business operates efficiently and securely. Just as neglecting regular oil changes, tire rotations, and brake checks can lead to costly repairs and potential breakdowns, ignoring or inadequately implementing internal controls can expose a business to significant risks, including fraud, financial misstatements, and operational inefficiencies. [Read more…]

Does the Purpose of the Valuation Impact the Valuation?

The purpose of a valuation will ultimately dictate, the standard of value to be used, the audience the valuation will be used by, the type of report or means of communicating the result, as well as in some cases [Read more…]

Baby Boomer Business Owners Need Valuation Help, Now More than Ever!

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How Can One Business Have More Than One Value?

Many business owners (and others) are surprised to discover that a business can have more than one value! Value is defined differently in different legal contexts. It is not uncommon for the value of a business under one definition of value to be considerably more than it is [Read more…]

Should the Tax on Appreciated Property in the Corporation Be Considered in a Valuation?

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Should Subsequent Events Be Considered in the Valuation?

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How and Why to Get a Regular Business Valuation

Making it a point to get a regular, objective, and comprehensive valuation for your business is one of the most overlooked tasks of owning a business. Many business owners assume that they only need a valuation if they are planning on selling or retiring in the near future. But the reality is that the time for a business valuation is long before you actually need it, and knowing exactly what your business and assets are worth on a regular basis is one of the most helpful and important things you can do for your financial future. [Read more…]

Does Standard of Value Matter?

The standard of value sets the perspective of the buyer, of the seller, of the marketplace, and the specific property being valued. Without the proper understanding and application of the standard of value, the valuation [Read more…]

What Is Valuation Enhancement And Why Do My Clients Need It?

The stock market bubble burst sent many retirees to work at places such as Wal-Mart and Sam’s Club. Their investments all relied upon investments that were controlled by others. But think about this: Your business clients have an opportunity to have control of their own financial futures-if they know what to do and how to do it. [Read more…]